Masquerades are a lot more fun to prepare and participate if you go with a partner and has worked on the development of your costumes together.

If put into planning the costume for a costume party of the 70s, why not take on board some of the ideas from this article as one of the hottest pairs of the circuit Oscar in the 70s?
Elizabeth Taylor Eyes Color
Three of the best ideas are the following:
Burt Reynolds and Elizabeth Taylor
Paul and LindaMcCartney
Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward
If none of the above ideas for the costumes the 70 pairs to be desired, then the rest of this article can help you find a perfect match between the chosen costume a couple in a few simple steps to achieve savings without necessarily going to masked ball. (However, shop costume to want to be incredibly useful when you make the final cut, or break a costume and find no one to turn an unknown into a living, breathingCelebrities' right before your eyes).
Burt Reynolds and Elizabeth Taylor
To ensure optimal replication of this hot pair of 70s, you must do the following:
This pair of 70 should be hot and dazzling from head to foot. Both are glamorous to the nucleus, which carry the main aim of your costume if they choose to be good does.
Burt Reynolds Oscar would always go into one of the highest quality tuxedo. It would beblack with a mesh that distinguish a slight pressure on them a bit 'of the jacket he had. The shirt is a bright white, and she needs a handkerchief in his left pocket to fit. The final touch would be the Reynolds mustache, which could be bought in a shop in decency to make sure that this is really real.
Elizabeth Taylor 's elegant dress should reveal her breasts, the hair should be taken and dyed as dark as possible. It would be important in thisCostume to wear a pair of fabulous high heels and maybe a pinch of skin somewhere on the road. But the most important element of this costume Taylor would be to wear some jewelry sparkling diamonds. should have convincing fake jewelry and so it would be better to go to a fancy dress shop.
Paul and Linda McCartney
The costume of this pair of 70 should be much quieter and less intrusive than the Taylor and ReynoldsCombination.
If you go to a costume party 70s such as Paul McCartney, a white dress (or at least some light-colored) with a black T-shirt under it is a must. The collar should be big and visible on the jacket. It would be really important to wear your hair long and in addition to saving a masquerade ball for a mustache that Paul McCartney would have been done in the style of your costume to find.
Linda McCartney should be soft and smooth. Needslook like Mother Nature, but Mother Nature with cash. Soft whites and creams, it is with soft materials such as fur or silk, mixed, for example, help to take away the idea of morality. A hat would set off the dress quite well, with some delicate details would be better.
Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward
The elegance and grace and sex appeal without any effort it takes to pull a 70 on the basis of this famous couple costume. They are a difficult pairReply!
Paul Newman should be dressed in a black suit without a vest like this one is too old, which is simply a button for fastening the jacket. This style of jacket length would be to add the costume and show a lot of white shirts, which should be worn underneath. Make sure a black bow tie is worn and some are twins of quality make-up. Finally ... Please do not give a good haircut. Newman has to clean all lookWay.
Joanne Woodward would be good in a 70-70 section, a mini print dress, which has great colors and bold patterns in various forms. Her hair worn high in order to emphasize the length and the elegance of the neck and face. Make-up should be natural and very low-key jewelry. Investing in or out of a '70s costume shop to rent a stylish pair of platforms in the color of your choice from the end of cheap goods on.
Enjoy the sauce!
Costume Shopping Ideas: 70 pairs Oscar
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